👋 I am a third-year undergraduate student majoring in computer science and engineering at the Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH). I took a two-year leave from university to work as a full-time Software Engineer at NEXON COMPANY. Currently, I am on an exchange program at École Polytechnique in France.
đź“ŤParis, France
📧 [email protected]
đź‘ľ github.com/gvin27
🎓 Education
Pursuing Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science and Engineering
- Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) – (Feb. 2020 - Feb. 2026)
International Academic Experiences
- École Polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris – (Sep. 2024 - Aug. 2025)
- International Academic Exchange Program
- Keio University – (Fall 2021)
- APRU Virtual Student Exchange Program (VSE)
- University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) – (Summer 2021)
- Future Scientist Exchange Program (FuSEP)
- Seoul National University – (Winter 2020)
- Ewha Womans University – (Summer 2020)
⌨️ Work Experience
Software Engineer
Technology & Research Team, NGINE STUDIOS, NEXON COMPANY – (Jun. 2022 - Aug. 2024)
- ADCreator
- Front-end development and maintenance of the in-house platform ADCreator
- ADCreator is designed for the creation of various ad materials and serves as an integrated solution for enhancing efficiency in marketing image production
- Tech Stack: React, TypeScript, Next.js, MUI (Material-UI), and fp-ts
- Problem Setting & Testing
- The NEW NYPC Platform
- Planned & designed the new NYPC platform
- Sentence Distortion algorithm for MapleStory
- Researched and Developed an algorithm that generates distorted sentences from a given
normal sentence
- Implemented on the live server of the online game MapleStory to detect botting users
- Tech Stack: Python
Part Time Assistant